Friday, July 13, 2012

Focus is What I Need!

Honestly, I think I have Attention Deficit Disorder. I don't really think I have the hyperactive problem. Just a really strong problem in putting focus in one thing. 

In April, I worked with my kids on their spring break to declutter some of their toys. But the "Give" box began to mixed with the "Keep" box.

In May, I wrote a post about my desk. I wanted to work on decluttering my desk and the nearby area. I had a dream for my desk! Then, I started to make some drastic move. But it is still really cluttered!

In June, I tried to clean up our most disgusting patio in the neighborhood and clear out some terribly tall weed. It is still not done.

In the meantime, I picked up some volunteer work.

It seems to me that I continue to touch on different projects and left without finishing anything! 

True, toys will continue to be a problem until we stop buying and start getting some of them out of the house.

True, our desk will continue to have paper clutter unless we stop opening the mail box.

True, weed will continue to grow no matter what you do, I suppose. 

But the problem is, I have not deal with the existing problem until I reached the maintenance point. 

I was making good progress. Then, suddenly, I just seem to lose interest.


I need to focus.

Focus is what I need!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

ING Account Bonus

[Edited on 7/6/2012, new text is shown in green]

I have not written any post like this one before, but I thought, I'd try, since, apparently, I am not the only one looking for a deal and a way to make a little cash.

Sign Up Bonus for You, Referral Bonus for Me!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Short Update

Just want to say that I am still alive!

The older kids are off from school for more than 2 weeks now. Life is somewhat busier just for that reason alone. I also picked up a few hours of volunteer work that I really enjoyed. But I would say that I spent most of my energy in selling the rest of my girl's cloth diapers. They are almost all gone now. I plan to share about my selling experience, after the last one leave the door.

Hope to post soon!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Chicken Well Spent

Do you remember the chickens that I cut up? I have cooked the legs and thighs, as well as the whole chicken. The other night, I finally took the courage to make some chicken broth out of the back bones.

After I put everything in and turned on the stove, I went upstairs to check on the kids. And then, I saw something else needed done and I forgot about the broth. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

What a Waste!

Since we started to put a budget in grocery, I thought I did pretty good in using up what I bought. I had a few chances to create new dishes just because I need to use up the grocery from the previous shopping trip.

But I am doing not so good recently...

Friday, May 18, 2012

My Dream for My Desk

My desk organization project has not been going so well. Even when I had actually clear out the desk surface, it gets messy quite quickly.

After listening to the EntreLeadership podcasts, I learned that, for someone to be successful at something, they need to start with a dream.

It may sound funny, but I do have a dream for my desk...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Another Post of Small Progress and Some Updates

Nothing big, but just something to keep myself motivated :)

First, a more dramatic difference in a small area - the crayons drawer:


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Little Progress Over Time

On my post two weeks ago, I admitted that I had shifted my priority on changing myself into focusing on dramatic before-and-after pictures. I certainly set myself up for disappointment when I cannot appreciate small changes.

Your comments reminded me that this is a process and every little progress is a step forward. Not only am I touched and encouraged, but also more aware on areas that I made small, tiny, little improvements...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

No Before-and-After...

Last post, I said I would put up some before-and-after pictures on decluttering my desk area the following week.

It was more than three weeks ago.

Obviously, it didn't happen... Again.

This time, I got distracted again to deal with what felt like urgent issue that actually have no urgency value at all. I just impulsively dive in and wasted my time and energy doing several things that could have left undone without any consequences. 

I honestly do not like living my life this way. I would like to get things done.

Just like anyone else.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I am sorry to report that I will not be able to post before and after pictures for the 29 Day Organizational Challenge; these few days have been quite eventful...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Joining the Challenge (and Fun) ...


With the encouragement from Elizabeth @ Ready.Set.Simplify, I am joining the 29 Day Organizational Challenge over at Org Junkie!

I will not have 29 days but, like Elizabeth said it, progress is good!

So, in the coming week, I will work as much as I could to make a change.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I am back!

Hi, there!

Thank you very much for checking back on me.

I honestly do not think that my posts was interesting or educational enough for anyone to come back and look for a new post just to read. I believe that those of you keep checking my blog from time to time during my silence did so out of a caring heart. I really appreciate that.